🕸️Allocation & Emission


$MDBL and eMDBL collectively share a Maximum Total Supply of 2,100,000,000. The allocation of $MDBL/eMDBL is designed to prioritize the community, with no allocation to the team and investors.

Here is the breakdown:

CategoryAllocationDescriptionForm of Release

Fair Launch


Fair-launched to the community.




Rewards generated within the Dragonverse Neo ecosystem.



The daily emission of eMDBL is determined by the combined Total Supply of $MDBL and eMDBL. It will HALVE once the combined total supply surpasses each threshold. If the combined total supply drops back below the threshold, the daily emission will revert to its previous level before the halving occurs.

eMDBL emission will be distributed to a variety of sources , including Liquidity Yield, Game Incentive, Co-Creation and MOSE Node.

Last updated